at Shoreline UU
Supporting the Annual Pledge Drive

Whether you are a founding or longtime member, a friend or newcomer, you understand that SUUS truly is a congregation formed out of community. It is the community of ideas, of values and support that brings us together. Generosity in the Unitarian Universalist congregation is what allows the congregation to care for and support one another.
This is the meaning of stewardship; to care for one another and take responsibility to support our community. Each UU congregation is self-sustaining: our primary source of income is from our members who make financial gifts to the congregation.
Supporting the Annual Pledge Drive

One requirement of membership at Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Society is to make a contribution of record and an annual pledge.
What is a pledge? It is a promise to give a certain amount of money to SUUS for the upcoming fiscal year.
Are monetary gifts to the church tax-deductible? All pledge payments and donations to SUUS may be tax-deductible for the calendar year in which they are made. Consult with your financial advisor on the current tax laws.
Can I change my financial commitment? We understand that circumstances can change. If they do, please contact the office to talk with our minister or our treasurer.
What about non-cash gifts? You can donate stock or other securities and retirement distributions directly to SUUS. There are certain tax advantages for doing so. Please contact the Treasurer for more information and check with your financial advisor.
How Is Money Raised?
During our Pledge Drive each spring all congregants (members and friends) are asked to renew their financial pledge for the upcoming fiscal year, which starts July 1. New members and friends may make a pledge at any time. Most of the congregation’s income comes from these pledges, with the rest coming from fundraisers and rental income.
Where Does the Money Go? The money given provides salary and benefits to our minister and staff and allows us to provide programming for children and adults. It pays for the upkeep of our building and grounds.and allows us to pay our dues to the Unitarian Universalist Association and the New England Region.
How much should I give? We are asking people to look at their resources and see if they can step up to a new level. SUUS needs to increase its pledging each year in order to reduce the draw on our Vision Fund. This is our path to sustainability: Every individual and family needs are unique, but we hope that by giving generously, you will become more committed to our spiritual community. Some members have chosen to give 10% or 5% of their income as a part of their spiritual practice.
Click here to view the UUA Suggested Giving Guide
Click here to make a pledge payment or donation online
Planned Giving at Shoreline Unitarian

Giving is one of life’s great satisfactions, especially when you know that your gifts help to improve the lives of others. Gifts of time, talent, and financial resources all help Unitarian Universalist congregations to thrive. Dedicating a percentage of your assets (1%, 5%, 10% or more) to Shoreline UU and/or to our UUA or other UU organizations is a way to ensure you are making a difference in this world and living your values.
Transferring stock or IRA distributions directly to SUUS is an easy way to increase your pledging, or make a contribution to our Mission or Vision funds and to realize some tax advantages. Contact the Treasurer for details.
Our UUA has many resources and you can learn a great deal by going to: UU Umbrella Giving, Life Income Gifts, Gifts by Will, Non-cash Gifts are just a few of the many ways help grow our faith.
The Legacy Team organized several public workshops to educate and explore estate planning and charitable giving. We also offered an End of Life Series that included workshops on spirituality, new burial practices in CT, rites and rituals, and a few Death Cafes – opportunities for conversations about death and dying in a comfortable and safe environment.
Click here for information about donating securities
Click here for the SUUS Giving Brochure
Click here for the SUUS Legacy Intent Form
Mission and Vision Funds

Due to the generosity of our past and current members, Shoreline UU Society is blessed with both a Vision Fund and a Mission Fund. The Vision Fund is overseen by three Custodians, elected by the members and the Mission Fund is managed by the SUUS Board of Trustees.
Contributions are always welcome to either fund. Contact the Treasurer for specifics.
Fundraising at Shoreline
SUUS Service Auction 2025
Online Auction, February 2 – 8
Live Auction, Saturday,
February 8,
6pm -9pm at SUUS
This year’s theme is “KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS”
Make Donations to this year’s Auction by filling out the online form below or downloading the traditional form to print and send to
If you are unable to attend or not comfortable online, ask a friend to bid for you. Make a list of what you’d like to win and the top price you are willing to spend. They will buy you a bid paddle and bid for you during the live auction. You can pay online or with a check at the auction.

Ideas for Auction Donations
Gift Cards of different values from local businesses are encouraged for a new Gift Card Raffle Pull!
Pickle Ball Lessons
Themed Happy Hours
Tickets for Concerts, Movies,Plays, Events.
Storytelling Nights
Game Nights
Field Trips to Museums, Gardens, or Historic Sites
Gift Cards
Lunches, Brunches & Dinners
Wine Tastings
Window Washing
Dump Runs
Leaf Raking
Gardening/Yard Work
Snow Shoveling
Car Washing
Air Port Chauffeur
Handy-Person Chores
Baby Sitting
Pet Sitting
Grocery Shopping
Music Lessons
Home Baked Bread, Soups, Jams, Desserts.
Boat Rides
Nature Hikes
Bird Watching
Vacation Rentals
Art&Crafts Classes
Cooking Lessons
Pizza Making Party
Cookie or Cupcake Delivery
Knitting Lessons
Hand-knit specialities
Quilt Projects

Shoreline UU is registered with iGive. This organization donates a small portion of your online purchase to the charity of your choice. You need to register and follow the instructions so that your purchases qualify. Please take a moment to check it out and name Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Society as your designated organization. Once enrolled, they will remind you to click on their logo to make sure you are registered. Thank you so much for supporting SUUS. Every little bit helps!