Social Justice

Re-Wilding our Yards: Earth Day Resources

Earth Day resources shared during our worship service: Doug Tallamy, Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard, Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 2019. (Available in hard-cover, paperback and Kindle formats) And this website, which concentrates on plants native to southeastern PA, where Tallamy lives: Plants native to the area from the

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Save the Dates for General Assembly: June 23-27

Exciting justice workshops, excellent worship, and extraordinary speakers are scheduled for this year’s General Assembly. The Ware Lecture will feature Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade. Registration for all events is $200. Public events such as Service of the Living Tradition and Sunday morning Worship are free. For more information click here. If you would like

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Food Drive at SUUS

Faith Formation is collecting food for our neighbors at Amistad Catholic Worker House in East Haven, CT, where Luz Catarineau and her husband Mark Colville have been feeding the homeless since 1994. Now more than ever they need our help, and even in a global pandemic they continue to provide breakfast and lunch to those in need.

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April Share the Plate: Providing Meals to Asylum-Seekers

The Peace, Affirmation & Justice Committee at Guilford First Congregational Church is working with the First Church UCC and Paradise Valley UU Church of Phoenix, AZ to provide meals to asylum-seekers at the Phoenix Welcome Center on Saturdays, when otherwise there would be no meal provided.  Because the Welcome Center has no health-board approved facilities for

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