
Reflections from Members of SUUS

The Worship Committee continues to seek out SUUS Members to share reflections at lay-led services. As you have heard in past services offered by Ellen Creane, Gary Feder, Alice Fleming, Maryann Bracken, Elise Morrison, and Laura Kasprow (among many others!), you can craft a reflection based on your own experiences, your spiritual questions and musings,

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white and black ceramic cup filled with brown liquid on brown wooden sufface

Volunteer Corner

Last week in this space, we told you of a request the Memorial Garden Committee had for help. Great news! Tom Lee and Maryann Bracken have both offered their assistance, for this or future times. If anyone else has an interested in helping this committee, please let Sue Rosen know.

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white and black ceramic cup filled with brown liquid on brown wooden sufface

Volunteer Corner

IMMEDIATE NEED! Stephanie Warren, chair of the Memorial Garden Committee, has a time-sensitive need in March for help in preparing a space in the Memorial Garden for a former member’s ashes. The required space is not large (about the size one might dig for a large plant), and Stephanie estimates it should only take between

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