
November/December Share the Plate: Covenant to Care

It’s that time of year again when e Share our Plate with the Connecticut Alliance of Foster and Adoptive Families, otherwise fondly known as Covenant to Care, to help families in Connecticut have happy holidays in November and December. In addition to sharing the donations to the plate for the month, we will also collect gift cards to grocery stores and businesses. If you wish to donate gift

November/December Share the Plate: Covenant to Care Read More »

Abundant Share the Plate THANKS!

An huge THANK YOU to SUUS Members and Friends for your contributions of $571.67 during the month of September! Your generosity allows Call to Care Uganda to continue with the mission to bring health, safety, education and vitality to the people of Uganda through clean, accessible water! Since 2007, CTCU has been able to provide

Abundant Share the Plate THANKS! Read More »

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