
SUUS chalice no words

News from the Board – 8/16/22

Greetings! We hope you are enjoying the recent cooler days, although we certainly would welcome some rain. In this newsletter, we want to give you an update on a couple of things: First, the minister search. We continue to seek out a 3/4-time minister (remote or live). We’ve recently had discussions (ongoing) with a minister […]

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SUUS Women’s Group

Hope you are having a great summer! The August meetings of the new women’s groups are below. We are going to simultaneously try a zoom option for those who will not be attending in person. Here is the information: 1. Monday, August 1 at noon in the Fellowship Hall or via Zoom at: 2.

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Did you know SUUS rents space to members, non-members, non-profits and for-profit businesses? This provides a community service and brings in much needed income. Do you know someone who needs a space for a concert, wedding, lecture, or a place to hold some classes on a short term or long term basis? To arrange a


We Need Your Words!

We’re getting ready to construct the NPR radio spot, and we seek 3 key words from you that will motivate the listener to find out more about our faith. The radio spot has 2 purposes:   Introduce our Unitarian Universalist faith (of 500 years) to the listeners of Connecticut NPR. Encourage listeners to go to the

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WOW! Look at these numbers!

In June, you generously donated $538.13 to the Witness Stones Project, which will help them in their efforts to honor and educate us about the contributions to our communities made by enslaved individuals. You also honored the desire of our Coming of Age young adults to contribute to the Ray of Light Farm animal rescue

WOW! Look at these numbers! Read More »

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