
SUUS Women’s Group – October

The October meetings of the women’s groups will be lead by Barbara Francese.  The topic is Identity – developing your own identity. If you attended or have watched the Sept. 25th service, have you adjusted your identity to fit in? The meetings will be on Monday, October 3 at noon in the Fellowship Hall (bring your lunch

SUUS Women’s Group – October Read More »


Collection for Local Food Pantries:Please support Faith Formation’s efforts to help stock the Madison Food Pantry! We will collect these items until further notice. As per the Madison Food Pantry, the most needed items are: ToothbrushToothpaste (full size)DeodorantShampoo (full size)Conditioner (full size) Period products – pads, tampons, cups Collection bins are in the fellowship hall and


Coffee Hour Thanks

Thank you, everyone, for signing up for Coffee Hour. We have a schedule covered through the end of November 2022! If anyone is willing to sign up for December 2022, please reach out to us by emailing either or A signup sheet is also posted in the Fellowship Hall beside the coffee hour

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Call To Care Uganda: September “Share the Plate” and Filling Up a Suitcase

September always signifies back to school time, and it’s great to remember that water is truly the most essential school supply we can give kids!   Our “Share the Plate” recipient for September is Call To Care Uganda, a local nonprofit organization based right here in Madison founded by our own Martha Wells Hoffman.  Call to Care Uganda’s

Call To Care Uganda: September “Share the Plate” and Filling Up a Suitcase Read More »

Social Justice 1Social Justice Graphic

Democracy on the Line!

Now is the time for all good men (women, children) to come to the aid of their country! Can you walk with SUUS’s long-time allies, Guilford Peace Alliance, in the Guilford Fair Parade Saturday, September 17 with a big sign supporting your favorite cause? Gun Safety, Women’s Rights, Voting Rights, Environment or what you will.

Democracy on the Line! Read More »

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