Activities & Events

March 30, 10:30am: “Hungry Hearts – Sue Schaedler and the Worship Committee

The Worship Committee will present a service following our month’s theme of Journey.  The reflection will be a Quest sermon by Darcey Laine called Hungry Hearts.  Have you ever pondered whether to follow your hearts desire or do the things you “should” do? We will explore the idea that following our hearts desire can actually

March 30, 10:30am: “Hungry Hearts – Sue Schaedler and the Worship Committee Read More »

Join us for Potluck & Club Cinema on Sat., March 16

Potluck at 5:30pm…Movie at 7:00pm – “Frantz” Pot luck  5:30    Movie 7:00 Frantz received generally positive reviews from critics. Ty Burr of The Boston Globe said, “Frantz is pleasurable slow going, developing its themes at an amble but with a measure of suspense, sympathy toward its characters, and a lasting faith in film-making craft. Contact:  Bill Stuart – – with

Join us for Potluck & Club Cinema on Sat., March 16 Read More »

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