Justice Action Alert: SUUS Green Team Supports Environmental Bills

Our SUUS Green Team, along with other congregations’ justice groups. is supporting Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s Recovering America’s Wildlife Act and the Climate Farm Bill

Our friend and colleague, Nancy Leckerling, along with many others , will be in Washington DC May 7-10 and will be lobbying with many of our Interfaith friends, legislators as well as Sen. Schumer and Rep. McCarthy about these bills.

Below are the letters the Green Team signed:

1. Faith org sign-on letter in support of Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. This letter is addressed to Senate and House leadership calling for the bill’s passage.

2. Principles for a FAITHful Climate Farm Bill. We’ve worked with several of our National Partners in crafting these principles for our Farm Bill advocacy. They will share these principles during our lobby day i May and will shape our advocacy moving forward.  

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