News from the Board – 10/20/22

Autumn Fall

Hello everyone. Leaves have turned, the air is brisk – Fall is definitely here! A few quick notes this week:

For those who attended last Sunday’s service, you got to meet our “special attendee” – our new minister, Rev. Jade Benson. It was great to have her worship with us, and everyone’s warm welcome made her feel at home. As Rev. Jade settles in over the coming weeks, we look forward to her adding her strengths to ours in this caring community.

A word of thanks to those who responded to our Congregational Survey. We received some really good feedback and thoughts on how we can enrich SUUS. Our Leadership Team (the Board, Staff, Committees) will be using this feedback as we plan future activities.

Mark your calendars for November 13, when we will hold our Fall Congregational Meeting following services. Please plan to attend this important meeting, at which you will hear updates on our finances and other developments. We look forward to seeing you there.

Finally, this week the Board approved an important update to our Covid policy. Going forward, all attendees (members, guests, visitors, Staff) ages 6 months and older will need to show proof of vaccination. This gets our policy regarding vaccinations in line with the CDC guidelines. Your continued support of our Covid safety protocols is greatly appreciated.

Wishing you well –

Sue Schaedler and Gary Feder
Co-Chairs, Board of Trustees

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