February 2021 “Share the Plate:” Poor People’s Campaign

This month, we will share our plate with the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival, a grassroots movement to end the five interlocking injustices of poverty, racism, militarism, ecological devastation, and religious nationalism so that the more than 140 million poor and low-income Americans “are no longer ignored, dismissed or pushed to the margins of our political and social agenda.”

The movement grew out of Rev. William Barber’s call for Moral Mondays and Dr. Martin Luther King jr.’s call for a “revolution of values.” To that end they promote a 14-point “moral and economic” agenda. You are encouraged to view that agenda and their many policy priorities by visiting the website at https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org. There is just too much to include in this announcement!

Thank you for your generosity.

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