Thank You From Your Stewardship Team

Thanks to everyone for attending our neighborhood dinners, sharing your stories, sharing your thoughts about our future, and thank you for all your gifts you share with our congregation.  We started this pledge drive March 3 with the theme “Road to Sustainability”. During that service, we wrote down our gifts and contributions on “bricks”  which then became a labyrinth and then they covered our walls for the entire month. Old & young & in between, we all have gifts to share.

  Here is a sampling of all we give to this beloved community:

Thoughtfulness, Kindness, Time, Money, Energy, Humor, Ideas, Optimism, Helping, Playtime, Music, Children’s Energy, Leadership, Commitment, Respect, Love, Truth, Singing,Smile, Compassion, My Voice, Sharing, Deep Listening, Impartial Observer, Humility, Community Service,Welcoming, Questions/Answers, I Fix Things, Vegan Awareness, Helping Hands and Minds, RE,Laughter, Joy in Life, Being Here, Feeling Good, Smiling, Friendly, Amazing, Dancing, Reading, Love of Dogs, Counseling Skills, Concern for Others, Financial Contribution, Feeding People, Telling Stories, Safety, Caring, Pledge, Friendship, , Loving Home, Passion, Creativity, Nurturing, Non-Judgmental, Acceptance of Others, Willingness to Learn New Things, Music, Calmness, Patience,Teacher, Student, Chef, Generous, Pen Pals, Seeking Out the Stranger,Conscience, Feeding My Fish, Joy, Calm, Writing, Empathy, Understanding, Giving, Shoulder to Lean On, Entertainment, Contentedness to the Past and Future, Directness, Business Strategy, Finance, Honor, Generous Heart, Cleaning, Singing Voice, Pattern Finder, Love for our Legacy.

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