News from the Board – 8/16/22

SUUS Connecticut

Greetings! We hope you are enjoying the recent cooler days, although we certainly would welcome some rain. In this newsletter, we want to give you an update on a couple of things:

First, the minister search. We continue to seek out a 3/4-time minister (remote or live). We’ve recently had discussions (ongoing) with a minister who is undertaking a ministry search in response to a letter from the UUA asking retired ministers to consider re-entering ministry due to the shortage of ministers. This further confirms what we have been hearing about a lack of minister candidates. We will continue to keep you updated on our search.

The second topic is our line-up of guest speakers. The Worship Committee has been hard at work putting together a schedule of guests. The past two Sundays, we’ve had engaging services led remotely by wonderful ministers, and it has been a joy to see many of you in the sanctuary for these services. Over the next 9 weeks, our guest speakers will be live at SUUS. The services will continue to also be live-streamed via Facebook Live. (A reminder that we want to hear from you about the live-streaming on Facebook: do you watch live or how many days later, does it work for you, any issues? The live-streaming is new for us, so we welcome your feedback.)

Be sure to mark your calendar for our Regathering on September 11. Elise Morrison will be leading our service and water ceremony (don’t forget to bring water from your summer travels or a special place).

We look forward to seeing you at SUUS soon.

Wishing you well –

Sue Schaedler and Gary Feder
Co-chairs, Board of Trustees

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