Faith Formation News – 2/26/21

Dear SUUS Families,

Did anyone notice the birds this morning? They were chirping like crazy at our house! Could it be a sign of spring? We planted flower seeds on Valentine’s Day and they have already sprouted! It has been exciting to watch and observe. What seeds might you be planting? Do you have ideas sprouting for spring? This month we conclude our theme of “Beloved Community” and start a new journey of “Commitment.” What things are you committed to now? I look forward to exploring these questions together in the coming month.

In the meantime, Zoom in for Worship this Sunday morning to see photos of our latest Faith Formation Art Installation at SUUS, which celebrates Martin Luther King’s Legacy and honors “Black Lives Past & Present.” Following Worship we’ll continue hanging out on Zoom with an ALL AGES Family Chapel & GAME time! Woohoo! Zoom in as we welcome a very special guest!

E-see you on Sunday!


P.S. This is the LAST week of FUNuary and what a great way to wrap it up with “Acts of Kindness!” Here are a few family friendly ideas to consider:
1. Tell a family member or friend how much you appreciate them
2. Pick up litter off the street
3. Send a friend or family member a letter or drawing in the mail
4. Donate an item to the Food Drive
5. Paint a Kindness Rock and leave it in a friend or neighbor’s yard

Faith Formation Happenings

Sunday, February 28 at 10:30am: The Integrity of Your Future Self” – Rev. Terry Sweetser
Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards wanted to go to the 1988 Winter Olympics and compete as a ski jumper. There were a couple of obvious problems with this. He was about 20-pounds heavier than the average ski jumper, he had no sponsor and his trainers spoke languages that he could not understand.

Would you like to have your child Dedicated this year? So far we have two children signed up, and we would love to have more! Rev. Terry and I would like to invite you and your family to participate in a Virtual Child Dedication on March 21 during our worship service. Please let us know if you are interested no later than March 7. In the meantime, please be in touch with any questions!


Sunday, February 28 – Faith Formation Family Chapel & Trivia
Zoom in after worship for a family chapel and GAME time! A very special guest will be joining us… Zoom in to find out who it is!! Link & Details to be shared in the Friday E-blast. Be there or be square!

Sunday, March 7 – Hold for Hiking or other Outdoor Adventure!

Sunday, March 14 – Zoom Quizlet!
More details to follow. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 21 – Child Dedication
Please support our Faith Formation children being dedicated on Zoom and join us for Worship at 1030am.

Sunday, March 28 – Easter Egg Hunt at SUUS!
Save the date for a hunt and stay tuned for more details!

For any child or youth participating in Faith Formation activities, please complete the online registration form:

Amistad Catholic Worker House Food Drive
The food drive CONTINUES for our neighbors at Amistad Catholic Worker House in East Haven, CT where Luz Catarineau and her husband Mark Colville have been feeding the homeless since 1994. Now more than ever they need our help, and even in a global pandemic they continue to provide breakfast and lunch to those in need. Please review the list below and if you are able, kindly deliver your items to the covered bins at the top outdoor stairs at SUUS. If you are unable to contribute food at this time, they are always accepting prayers. For more information about Amistad, please visit their website:

Powdered creamer
Pancake mix (complete preferable)
Pancake Syrup

Juice mix
Pasta sauce
Canned vegetables
Beans-red, black, garbanzo beans

Essential Paper Products
Toilet tissue
Paper towels
Facial tissue

*Please note: Amistad is happy to take anything else beyond the items listed above to either use as part of a meal or to bag up for families that are served.

Saturday, March 6 at 1pm – SUUS MOMS Group at the Lagasses
More details to follow!

We are wrapping up our Birthday Parades for the year! Does your child have a Birthday this month or next? If so, please be in touch with Jennifer Farmer Etzel. Starting in April we will continue to celebrate our children and youth, but in a different format. Thank you, Jennifer for all of our efforts in seeing this project hit the 1 year mark! Happy Birthday Parades!

Wednesday, March 3 at 7pm- Faith Formation Committee Meeting on Zoom
Please check email for agenda and Zoom link.

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