Thank you on behalf of our less fortunate neighbors!

On Saturday morning, seven adults and five young folks from SUUS served breakfast to about 75 adults and children waiting for their turn to shop at the Old Lyme Food Pantry.  In addition, another twelve cooked or shopped to make this meal possible. (We were told that this was one of the better breakfasts they have had in some time!)

In addition, we recently found out that there is a plaque in that pantry honoring a dear former member, Granville Oakes.

And, with the assistance of the Grade 4, 5, 6 Faith Formation Class, more than 150 pounds of canned and boxed food was collected on Sunday morning to be divided between the Madison and Guilford Food Pantries.

Well done, SUUS!

Barb Francese
Food Insecurity Task Force

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