Summer Fun and Games at SUUS

Our Faith Formation “Summer Fun and Games” Sunday morning program for children and youth (ages 3 through teen) will begin on June 16th and run through September 1st.  As always, nursery care will be available for babies and toddlers.

Summer Fun and Games will gather in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30.  We will begin with chalice lighting, glads & sads sharing time, followed by a fun activity or two outside weather permitting.  One of our SF&G projects will be to raise tomatoes for the soup kitchen or food pantry.

Please see Sue Schaedler or Jennifer Swenson for more info or to sign up as SF&G leader on a Sunday or 2 this summer.   Please see Sarah Goddard to volunteer to assist our nursery care provider over this summer.

If you already have completed a SUUS background check, you can just click this link to sign up for SF&G:  SUUS Summer Fun & Games

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