EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT! SUUS Winter Brochure Coming Soon!

All SUUS events scheduled for January, February or March, 2019, will want to be included in the Winter Brochure, the comprehensive listing all that’s happening at SUUS.

Let us know the details of your event by completing our online SEA form,  (click this link for form – SEA Event Brochure Form.  The form is also available in the SUUS office if you are unable to complete online.

Before completing the form, check with our Congregational Administrator, Martha Wells Hoffman, to be sure the date and location you have chosen are available.

Deadline for the listing of winter events is Thursday, January 3rd, 2019.  Completed forms must be turned into the church office or emailed to Maryann Bracken  mabfilkins@gmail.com

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