A faith founded in Love and grounded in Justice, our Unitarian Universalist congregatio in Madison, CT has been a voice of progressive religion since 1962.

Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Society

297 Boston Post Road
Madison, Connecticut 06443

Welcome to Shoreline UU!

Unitarian Universalism is a centuries old,
non-creedal religion that draws from many sources and promotes the responsible search
for truth and meaning.

International Women’s Day March in New Haven!
Thanks to our members for showing up!

AT 10:30AM

March 9, William Margraff“The Trust of Eleanor Roosevelt”
March 16, Rev Jeanne Lloyd – “Make Them Hear You”
March 23, Rev. Craig Nowak -“A Most Human Season”
March 30, Rev. Craig Nowak Seriously, Julian

Religious Exploration for our children and youth is in progress! Be sure to register each child for this year’s program. Nursery Care available each Sunday for our youngest. CLICK HERE to find out more.

For additional news and information about our faith, join us on Facebook or Instagram.

If you would like to receive our Weekly News contact the office to be added to our list.

If you are interested in Rental Space, click here or contact the office.In Memoriam

March Committee Highlights

Hospitality is here to ensure a welcoming environment for both visitors and members at SUUS. We facilitate and organize coffee hour, special memorial services, provide food and drink service for the annual auction, and host exclusive SUUS sponsored special events as agreed upon. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Social Events & Activities co-chairs are Kathy Helmrich and Lindalea Ludwick. Our members are Maryann Bracken, Jenny Lee, Barbara Peese, Gail Bogossian and Yann van Heurck. We plan varied and fun activities to encourage connections among us in the SUUS community. CLICK HERE to learn more

Congregational Life is chaired by Alice Fleming, membership chair and Barb Francese, the Caring Coordinator.  The committee is made up of greeters and care team members. CLICK HERE to learn more

Finance Team is a 5-member team with representation from the Board, the Vision Fund, and the Congregation. Frank Sirianni, the SUUS Treasurer, serves as Team Lead. Mary Cosgrove and Neil Schultes (Congregation), Lemi Liu (Vision Fund Custodian), and Gary Feder (Board) are the other members. Adding vital support with team tasks is provided by Arline Morrissey. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Social Justice helps SUUS members and friends to practice our UU values through action and advocacy.  Our focus continues to shift as the need arises. CLICK HERE to learn more

Communications is led by two co-chairs; Mary Strieffand Sue Schaedler, who work closely with Jill Brunelle our Office Administrator. We welcome assistance from all who are interested in communicating within our SUUS community and beyond. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Memorial Garden includes Co-chairs; Jennifer Farmer-Etzel and Beth Chipman and Barbara Francese.  We are currently looking for additional members. The garden serves as a memorial area for SUUS members, their partners and their families.  CLICK HERE to learn more

Worship Associates is a team of creative, supportive, and innovative group of individuals who currently include: Gail Bogossian, Jill Bowen, Mary Cosgrove, Steven Ernst, Jenny Lee, Deborah McDonald, Sue Schaedler, and Rev. Craig as our advisor. CLICK HERE to learn more

Latest News

Volunteers Needed April 14 & 15

On Monday, April 14 at 5pm, Social Justice Coordinating Team will host the Atlantic Life Community Pilgrimage participants to a potluck dinner. We will need vegetarian chili, salad, bread, desserts and beverages. We…

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